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Stephanie Goodman

Wellness Coach |Exercise Physiologist |Speaker

Wellness. Balance. Life.

Meet Stephanie Goodman

"We need to do a better job of putting ourselves on our to-do list."  Michelle Obama

I’m Steph, I help moms who are overwhelmed, tired, and stressed get unstuck, find balance, and become the BEST versions of themselves.


Are you struggling to lose weight? Can't quite shake the baby blues?  Always feel like you're a step behind where you need to be? It doesn't have to be this way. Let me show you how. 


I’m mama to a threenager, wife to a terrific guy, human to a wonder mutt,  and a corporate burnout turned Wellness Coach & Exercise Physiologist. I love the beach, working out, and ice cream – because balance. That’s the short version. If any of this sounds like you, keep reading. 


Prior to becoming a wellness Coach, I was anything but healthy. I weighed over 220 pounds, smoked a pack of cigarettes per day, and could probably drink most frat boys under the table, true story! I started with small, sustainable changes, no quick fixes. Slowly but surely, I started to see physical changes, and then an amazing emotional transformation. 


I get it, I've been there. The struggle is real. That's why I know I can help you, mama. I would be so incredibly honored if you allowed me to join you on this journey. You don't have to do it alone. Click here to be added to my private FaceBook community where you can connect with other amazing moms who are also committed to being healthier. 




Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Why Coaching?

You might be wondering what coaching is and how it will help you achieve your goals. A professional, accredited coach can help with a variety of life transitions by guiding clients through a process to achieve their goals. Some coaches specialize in careers or business, general life improvement, or, like me, wellness. I support my clients to become the best versions of themselves whether they are looking to lose weight, exercise more, cope with stress, or simply find a better balance. Keep scrolling for some examples.


Is taking care of everyone else's needs but not your own getting old? Do you run out of time and energy by the end of the day and have nothing left for yourself? Self-care isn't selfish. Learn how to make sure your needs are met. You can't pour from an empty cup!


Are you tired, Mama? Do you constantly feel drained? If your days are filled with just trying to get from one activity to the next without falling apart, falling asleep, or just falling down, I want to help you! I want to help you go from survival mode to thrive mode!


If I told you that there is a secret, a secret to endless energy, health, and longevity would you want to know what it is? Who wouldn't? Ok, I'm a terrible secret keeper, the secret is EXERCISE!

Weight Loss

When I started my journey to better health in 2011, I weighted just over 220 pounds.Technically, I was obese. My goal was never to be skinny, my goal was to be healthy and strong. I lost around 70 pounds and have never felt better. If I can do it, so can you!


Seven years ago, I decided that I was done binge drinking and retired my martini glass for good. My hope is that by being transparent about my sobriety I can help other women who are struggling with gray area drinking. 


Our culture seems to value business and stress like a badge of honor. The problem is, it's killing us AND reducing our quality of life. I'm still not sure which is worse. 



“When I met Stephanie I was super discouraged. I was tired all the time and sick of all the yo-yo dieting. She helped me heal my broken relationship with food for good. ”

— Elizabeth S. 

Your Wellness Starts Here

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